All the Coordinators / Asst. Secretary / Secretary / President of the Sub-Centers are requested to Please submit the Documents / Data as per below format :
1) Handbill for Awareness
2) Awareness Form (Attached with Photo of Awareness)
3) Application Form
3) Registration Form (Attached with – Passport Size Photo, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, PAN Card, Ration Card, Caste Certificate, Qualification Certificate, (For Rural Poor – Job Card, Members of NRLM SHGs, Gram Panchayet Certificates, PMAY Families, SECC Household), Handicap Certificate and Bank Account Details)
4) Training Schedule (Daily Routine)
5) Kaushal Panjee Form
1) PPR (Post Programme Report)
2) Training Log (Day by Day Training Log as per Course Module)
3) Feed Back Report of Trainees’
4) MILLY (Most Important Lesson Learnt Yesterday)
5) Attendance Signature Sheet with Attendance Register
6) Evaluation Sheet of Trainees’
7) Boarding Register
8) Practical Books
9) Photos of Training in JPGE file (Awareness, Inauguration, Micro Lab, Yoga, Shramdan, MILLY Reading, Game – Ring Toss, Tower Building & Boat Making, EDP Class (Faculty by RKMSSSM), Successful Entrepreneurs Class, Theory Class, Practical Class, Guest Faculty Class, Group Photo, Valediction etc.)
Sir I want to learn aviculture
Aviculture training is baned by the Govt. So the training is stopped now.
Sir, is there any chance for girls and destitute women to join training and to do something in future?
Only or Off campus trainning, we provide trainning to female candidate along with male candidate but in case of campus trainning we only allow male youth candidate only. Off campus trainning is going on in different district of West Bengal. For detail information please see the notice of off campus trainning in our WEBSITE.